Nazia Tasnim

IVC-ML , Boston University, Boston, MA.

Here's me being Pochita at the Newbury Comics!
📮 nimzia [at] bu [dot] edu

Hello there!! I am a CS PhD student at Boston University, advised by Prof. Bryan Plummer on topics related to multimodal learning and parameter-efficient finetuning. My research interest lies at the crosssection of Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision, with a special emphasis on responsible applications and under-resourced domains.

  • I was fortunate to be advised by Dr. Isaac Johnson and Dr. Martin Gerlach at the Wikimedia Research Team, where I built resources and pipelines for NLP research across the Wikimedia projects.
  • I have a year of industry experience as a Machine Learning Engineer at Giga Tech Ltd., where I worked on developing the National Syntactic TreeBank for Bangla. I am also a Research Collaborator at, where I work on building resources for low-resource languages.
  • I have published in multiple A* conferences and workshops, including Interspeech, NeuRIPS, EMNLP, and CVPR. A full list of my publications can be found here.
  • I also build different open-source tools and datasets to support the larger community. Some of my projects can be found here.

Outside research and courseworks, I am interested in plants🪴, pottery 🏺 and pop-culture 🖖. Shoot me an email if you want to collaborate on a project, have a question, or just want to say hi~

Imagine a world where AI doesn't just crunch numbers but speaks every language, adapts on a dime, and plays fair with everyone. 


Sep 5, 2023 Officially started my PhD at Boston University ✨
Aug 1, 2023 Received Dean’s Fellowship from the Boston University 🤩🤩 !!
Jun 1, 2023 Released a new package!! 🎉 Install from PyPI!

selected publications

  1. recast.png
    RECAST: Reparameterize Compact weight Adaptation for Sequential Tasks,
    Under Review, 2024
  2. vlm.png
    Vision-LLMs Can Fool Themselves with Self-Generated Typographic Attacks
    NeuRIPS, 2024
  3. ood.png
    OOD-Speech: A Large Bengali Speech Recognition Dataset for Out-of-Distribution Benchmarking
  4. vista.png
    Vista: vision transformer enhanced by u-net and image colorfulness frame filtration for automatic retail checkout
    2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2022
  5. multi.png
    On leveraging data augmentation and ensemble to recognize complex named entities in bangla
    Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022), 2022
  6. bob.jpeg
    Choice of assemblers has a critical impact on de novo assembly of sars-cov-2 genome and characterizing variants
    Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021